
What others have said of their experience with us

We have been working with James for almost a year and he has been tremendously helpful to our family. We have learned a better way to communicate with each other and have improved our problem-solving with the kids. James takes a very straightforward approach to problem-solving and speaks a language that the kids can relate to. With his help, we have successfully been able to take a step back and see things from an improved perspective, giving a greater appreciation for what we have.
- Anna

James is a life-changing family coach who guides personal growth by providing perspectives in a very real and approachable way that unlocks the black box of challenging, dare I say, hair-pulling, family dynamics. He gives practical tools that defuse negative behavior and ultimately gets everyone the outcomes they need. These insights help parents be the respected leaders of their household that their children need them to be.
- John

As a parent, you love your children but you don’t always like them. When I said to my husband, “I’m not sure I can say I love her right now,” that’s when I knew I needed to get help. I didn’t have the tools to be able to handle my daughter and it was taking me down physically and emotionally. The stress of that relationship was working its way into other parts of my life. Thankfully, a friend recommended James to us. My husband and I can honestly say that meeting him has forever changed our lives. We are still a work in progress, but James has given us the ability/tools/knowledge to handle real situations. Whether he is playing basketball with our girls, sitting down with my husband and me, or playing board games with us as a family, he is always teaching us how to be better versions of ourselves. His knowledge is incomparable, his availability is endless, and he has truly helped me have a better relationship with my daughters, friends, husband and colleagues.
- Abbey

Working with James helped my family so much! We are forever thankful for James!
- Mary

I was amazed at the level of insight into my child’s thought process within the first meeting. It was like downloading a full report.
- Robert

My son wasn’t following the rules at home and there was non-stop arguing. James and Shane helped us develop not only a plan of action but an approach that significantly reduced the tension in our home.
- Jon

I’m telling you; my son couldn’t care less about anything but video games and Youtube videos. Somehow, Dave was able not only to get him away from screens but outside and playing, running around, trying new activities, even making friends. Truly amazing! Does he still love those screens? Yeah he does, but his life is so much more fulfilling than ever before. Thank you again, Dave!
- Rob J

I'm not exaggerating when I say that I don't know what we would have done without James. I'm very grateful that we found him. He has helped our family in so many ways and has made a huge positive impact on our lives. I have no reservations about wholeheartedly recommending James.
- Leah

James Giantis has been working with our son, who is now 23 years old, for almost six years. Over time, he was able to develop an excellent rapport with our son, who has high-functioning autism and learning disabilities. This was not an easy task, as our son is very withdrawn and difficult to engage, but James persevered and never gave up. Now, James is the person that our son feels most comfortable with, and the only person that he confides in.
- Cecile

When I first heard about using a “coach” to help me with my son, I was very skeptical. How is a coach going to help us? They don’t have a history with us or my son. Is this really going to work? What are the credentials of this person and are they really qualified to be helping us when we feel like our world is crashing down around us? We were at a point of no return and didn’t know where else to turn. I’m so grateful we met with James. I knew after our first meeting with him, we were going to eventually be okay. He has the credentials, yes, but most importantly he has the answers the specialists weren’t able to give us. He had a plan and it is working. Raising a child with special needs whether it be learning disabled, attention deficit or addiction of some kind, is not easy. It has taken its toll on our marriage and relationships within our family. We are starting to restore those relationships and I didn’t know if that would be possible. This is all due to the coaching and constant communication that James invests in with us. He is there for us when we need answers. He is there when we need motivation to keep working and not lose hope. He is honest. We don’t always hear what we want to hear, but he keeps it real and hopeful. Some days, I feel like I don’t know what else to do and I text James who reminds me that I am a good Mom, I'm doing the right thing and he tells me what to say to my son. I need that! When I see improvement in my son, I know his plan is working. He's not only saving our son, he has also saved our marriage and family unit. When James agrees to invest in you and your family, he means it. Take the leap of faith and agree to invest in his methods and expertise. Invest in your family. You won’t regret it.
- Maria D
I like working with Dave, because he is fun and he likes to do fun activities with me. He takes me on hikes, fishing, to the park, and jumps on my trampoline. He helps me with my anger and teaches me how to do better. Oh yeah. He is also really good at helping me with my homework.
11 year old with difficulty managing anger

I really needed someone to understand me and, more importantly, my family. Mike taught me to believe in my reality and how to express myself in a way that could be heard by others. Not only was he a good role model but also a lot of fun.
19 year old removed from 3 schools and his family for 2 years due to severe behavioral problems

If you knew me before I started FIT, let's just say you wouldn't want to. Now that I have done this program, I have noticed that my life has done a 180-degree turn-around. Thanks to James and FIT my life has never been better, and I've never been happier.
Challenged with anxiety, depression and ADHD

It has been two years since I graduated from the FIT program, but I still call my mentor every time something good happens, because I want him to know how much he contributed to my accomplishments.
Challenged with learning difficulties
“I have complete confidence in referring a family to James and his team of mentors. There have been several families who have greatly benefited from their unique approach to helping youth re-integrate more productively back into their home and community.”
Residential Treatment Program Director

“As a director in a social service agency working with disadvantaged youth and families dealing with every imaginable obstacle, I’ve had the privilege of seeing James and his team change lives in amazing ways. They are able to engage the whole family in a process where each person feels heard, valued, and empowered to make positive choices for change and healthier living. The youth feel someone finally understands them, and the parents feel they finally have some tools to make their family life more manageable. Families who have felt out of control have found strength, success, and hope - often for the first time.”

“As a program therapist, I have had the privilege of working closely with James Giantis over the past year, with San Diego’s most challenging population of youth dually diagnosed as severely emotionally disturbed (SED) and developmentally delayed (DD). James’ effective blend of experience, knowledge, and personal approach has been instrumental in greatly improving the quality of their lives. Furthermore, James has a unique gift of compassion, humor, and understanding that flavors this difficult process of fostering change, making it comfortable and fun for all involved. I have over 15 years of experience working in the field of social services, and it is easy to share my endorsement that James’ competence and concern for the health and well-being of others is rare to find. Without a doubt, this program would serve as an essential benefit to those who seek his support.”
Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT)

“I rely on FIT to help me with families to provide an in-home or ‘wraparound’ component of social coaching. The coaching that FIT provides is like a highly sophisticated ‘big brother’ or ‘big sister’ approach, with a reflective component for the youth, parents, and the family, and it has proven very effective for many of the families I work with. The range of people they’ve helped with include children, teens, and adults with diagnostic challenges, including anxiety disorders, mood disorders, ADHD, learning disorders, Asperger Syndrome, high functioning autism, and even eating disorders. James is very responsive and communicative with me, and when needed, I have meetings with his staff to coordinate our work. FIT provides a needed service that supports outpatient care in a manner that is naturalistic and effective.”

“While working as a Mental Health Services Care Coordinator, I had many services available to the youth on my caseload. I saw more growth and improvement from the clients using FIT than from any other service. The quality of staff impressed me. The training and supervision of each staff member was extensive, frequent, and individualized. I knew that each of my clients would get an individual, strengths-based approach that would produce great change.”
Director, Social Service Agency of San Diego

“James is an intelligent, innovative, compassionate professional who understands that families and at-risk youth often need much more than what can be provided in a one-hour therapy session. The FIT program assists families who face insurmountable obstacles in finding a renewed sense of hope and wellbeing. James has put together a team that creates an environment for families to make significant, meaningful changes with integrity and humor. I have had over 25 years of experience working with at-risk families, and the FIT program is one of the most responsive, creative, and caring approaches to families that I have ever seen.”
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
info@mentorsandmore.com(949) 264-2752